UCDF – Aanchal

Shri Sanjay Kumar (IAS) Administrator, UCDF Ltd.

In the current scenario of the technological age it’s a matter of great joy, that Uttaranchal Co-operative Dairy Federation has launched its website. As you are aware that the milk co-operative has significant economical and social contribution in the Uttarakhand state. In spite of many challenges and inequities related to animal husbandry support and trust, Uttarakhand state growth continuously in milk production as compared to other Himalayan states, and is on the move constantly in this area.  Based on three tire systems under the milk co-operative work system, operates smoothly in the state. Milk Societies at the village level, Milk Unions at the district level and milk co-operative Dairy Federation at the state level are working in the state.

If we look in the past, after formation of the state, State Dairy Federation has been established in march 2001,from that time, with formation and proliferation of milk societies in the villages of the remote areas, we are regularly supplying good quality of milk and milk products of “AANCHAL BRAND “ to the milk consumers in urban area successfully. In 2001 through milk co-operatives in the state, the average procurement of milk was 1 lakh liter per day; now this has been more than 1 lakh 32 thousand liters per day average. And daily average liquid milk sale was just 65 thousand per day, now which has been increased 1 lakh 65 thousand liters per day. And there is a regular increment in number of society and membership. Similarly, sale of ghee, butter, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products has increased. Yoghurt and cheese are the dairy products in the series of Aanchal. Uttarakhand is paying milk price better than the other states and in the future we are trying to increase it more. Organic milk production would not only improve the economics of milk produces, however Uttarakhand milk will get an identity at the national level. Currently the state’s dairy business is providing employment to the rural people at the village level, and eliminating any middle men. To maintain a continuous growth in milk production, it requires the collective efforts.
State and Central Government schemes like IDDP, RKVY etc are being implemented for the economic and social up liftment of farmers. National Agricultural Development, Integrated Dairy Development, Big Dairy, Women dairy etc. are being successfully conducted. State is Provide cattle feed, free fodder, Seeds, animal medical facilities are being made available to purchase the improved breed of dairy cattle to the milk producers. Animal feed, animal health services, Emergency veterinary, Artificial insemination, Natural conception, Vaccination, Di-warming and Veterinary medicine, and other types of technology investments are being served at the village level societies. And many ambitious plans have proposed for the overall development of the milk producers In the future. To provide detailed and latest information related to activities in co-operative Uttarakhand dairy sector in the state. We have been operating a website at the Federation level. I believe that this website will not only be beneficial for you to know about the dairying in Uttarakhand, but also this will aware to you, time to time Achievements of Dairy development in Uttarakhand.

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